Each Wednesday (September-May) from 6-8 p.m., we have something for the whole family! Fellowship provides a wonderful opportunity for Christians to build relationships. We begin the evening at 7 p.m. when we engage in small groups for adults, youth (Deep & Wide) and children (Kingdom Kids) where a wide variety of biblically-based topics are explored throughout the year. Join us Wednesday for Faith Family Night!
Kingdom Kids
Get tasty snacks.
Read and Learn Essential Bible doctrines for life.
Offer worship to God by singing hymns and praise songs.
Work on fun crafts.
It’s not just another program but a life-changing experience for your kids! Many programs take children through a load of disjointed stories and memory verses, but when children advance on to Junior High programs, they haven’t developed or learned the basics of the Christian Faith. Children need a framework based upon the Bible that will enable them to evaluate the world around them. Kingdom Kids offers such training to your child.
The Kingdom Kids program is based upon the children’s version of the Westminster Shorter Catechism. The Westminster Catechism is a world-renowned confessional standard from the Reformation that teaches the foundational doctrines of the Bible in a question-and-answer format. The children discover the essentials such as the fall of Adam and Eve, how to become Christians, the Ten Commandments, the Lord’s Prayer and many other fundamental Christian beliefs. They learn to love, appreciate, and apply God’s Word in their lives. This program equips children with the substance of the Christian faith that is absolutely essential in a world where our children are constantly flooded with false teachers and ideas. Every question and answer is supported with Scripture. The children learn to back up their faith with Biblical proof texts.
Unlike many other programs, Kingdom Kids is free just like the gift of salvation.
Ages: 4-years old through 5th grade.
We look forward to having your children involved in this wonderful character-building program!
Adult Study
We are studying the Westminster Confession of Faith.