Our Worship

Worship Defined

Worship means to pay homage to or bow down to God in reverence and awe of His great worth (Psalm 100). It should be expressed with both joy and reverence as we acknowledge the great worth of the living God (Hebrews 12). There is no one in the universe more worthy of worship than the God of the Old and New Testaments.

Our Sunday Worship is the highlight of our week. We consider it a great blessing and joy to worship the true God who has saved us through Christ. God is worth our attention, praise, and time. Join us this week at 11 a.m. for worship and experience the God of the universe (Matthew 18:20).

Our Worship is vibrant, joyful and reverent. We acknowledge our awesome God who is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We recognize that God has created us and redeemed us through faith in Christ alone (John 1:12; 3:16; 14:6). For this we are thankful and compelled to worship God (Hebrews 10:23-26Psalm 122:1).

Worship Elements & Preaching

We at Faith Community Church believe that worship should be done according to God’s Word and so seek to follow this principle as we choose the weekly elements of worship (John 4:21). We also especially acknowledge the importance of the Word in our service. As a result, we place great importance upon the preaching of God’s Word. Weekly sermons are primarily expository with periodic topical messages. We believe that it is important for people to learn how to interpret the Bible for themselves and therefore feel that expository preaching is the best approach for training God’s people to understand and apply the Word to their lives. Expository sermons are sermons that seek to explain the meaning of a text within its context without reading one’s opinion into the text. Topical messages usually build the sermon around a topic using many verses to support the topic. A steady diet of topical messages often leaves the hearer ill-equipped in remembering or applying the Bible for themselves. Our pastor will typically use the expository approach by preaching through a book of the Bible or a self-contained passage of Scripture. He will strive to relate the text to our day and seek to encourage us to apply its timeless principles to our daily lives by grace (Ephesians 2:8-10). Please join us weekly to feed upon and apply God’s Holy Word.

Worship Music

Our worship service is a blended service consisting of praise songs and historic Christian hymns. We feel that it is important to expose the congregation to their rich heritage of timeless hymns and the many new songs of our day that glorify God (Colossians 3:16-17). Our musical specials (instrumental & vocal) also encourage us to praise God with a variety of classical, traditional, and contemporary music. We believe that music was created by God and that all good theologically sound music is acceptable for worship.

Please join us this week and invite a friend to worship the living and true God (Psalm 100)!